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Call for papers

Papers describe significant bodies of research and findings, and should include images and illustrative graphics with captions, references and appendices. Accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings volume, and may also be selected to be a contributing presentation at the conference. Further guidelines will be made available for accepted papers. Authors are kindly asked to follow the guidelines in this webpage throughout the paper submission process.

Main submission guidelines

  • Papers should be written in English.

  •  Papers should be blinded. As such they may not include any identifying marks such as names, places, programs, institutions and firms within the text.

  • The work must be an original contribution to the body of knowledge relative to the range of topics covered by the AAG conference.


Format Content

  • Papers should include a title. Titles should be no more than 50 characters with spaces and should give a clear insight into the topic of the paper.

  • Papers should be concise and follow a logical structure providing: Abstract, Introduction, Background, Methods, Results and Reflection, and Conclusion.

  • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. The full paper submission should not exceed 4000 words in total (excluding captions, footnotes and references).

  • Acknowledgements can only be added to the paper after the paper is accepted for publication.


Font and layout

  • Full papers may follow the default font and layout settings of their word processors (Times New Roman or Calibri for MS Word and Computer Modern for LaTex).

  • Full papers should use standard A4 or letter format size. While authors are free to use the layout style of their choice, a layout sample is provided to help authors while preparing for submission (see AAG2020 webpage).

  • Full papers should include no more than 3 Heading styles.



  • All line drawings, charts, photographs and other imagery will be considered figures and should include a caption.

  • Images and captions should be embedded in the PDF copy of the paper.

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that all illustrations are easily read during the re‐ view process. Accepted papers will be asked to provide high resolution copies (300 dpi for images and 600 dpi for line drawings) of their illustrations.


References and citation

  • Authors are asked to follow the rules of the Chicago Manual of Style: author‐date method. Please refer to AAG2020 Style Guide for information and examples.

  • All works that are cited should be included in the References section. References should be provided at the end of the paper. All references should also be cited within the text.

  • References including identifying marks should be blinded during the submission process.



Authors should name their submission files as follows: AAG2020_Paper_[Paper_Title].pdf

Paper submission and review timeline


Abstract submission deadline: April 6, 2020.

Full paper submission deadline: April 30, 2020.

Notification: May 29, 2020.


Authors can submit abstracts and full papers via the Converia conference management system from February 12 onwards. Prior to full paper submissions, electronic abstracts may be submitted until March 31. Authors will not receive any feedback based on abstracts. The peer review session will only take place after full paper submissions. Full papers may be submitted until April 14.




For any questions and inquiries, send an email to

Call for workshops

The AAG2020 organising committee solicits proposals for full-day workshops to be held in conjunction with the Advances in Architectural Geometry Conference at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in September 2020. The purpose of a workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants from academia or industry to present and discuss novel ideas on current and emerging topics in architectural geometry, digital design, simulation and fabrication. The Workshops are scheduled for 30th-31st August 2020. The format should be hands on knowledge and tool sharing. It can be software or hardware based, creating digital and/or physical prototypes. Results will be presented during the Conference as “work in progress showings” and in exhibition. We anticipate that workshops will include between 10 and 20 participants from industry, research as well as architectural and engineering study programmes. The workshop proposal should contain the following information:


  • Title of workshop

  • Names, affiliations, mailing address, e-mail address of the workshop organiser(s)

  • Short bios of the workshop organiser(s) including previous experience in organising workshops

  • A maximum of three paragraphs that describe the topic of the workshop, its target audience incl. preexpected knowledge, and its relevance to AAG2020

  • Expected format of the workshop (panels, discussion sessions, poster sessions, invited talks, etc.)

  •  Tentative programme sketch for the workshop (2 days workshops of 8 hours each)

  •  A short description on how the workshop will be advertised

  • A list of foreseen needs for workshop tools and materials

  •  Further prerequisites


AAG2020 will support workshop organisers with an invitation to the gala dinner of the symposium as well as the sourcing of workshop tools and materials (up to 500€ per workshop).


Workshop proposal dates:

  • Workshop proposal submissions: March 15, 2020

  •  Workshop proposal notifications: April 15, 2020


Please send your workshop proposal by email to

Thank you! We look forward to receiving your workshop proposal.

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Workshops: April 26 & 27 , 2021

Conference: April 28 & 29 , 2021

© AAG 2020 | All Rights Reserved

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